Sunday, May 5, 2024

Quantum Computing Realizations

I've always been highly interested in quantum computing. And, as I've mentioned before, quantum computing is not yet practical.

There are key differences between a quantum computer and a classical digital computer. Basically, quantum computers store and process data using quantum error correction to manipulate quantum particles.

Over the years, while discussing quantum computing with others, I came across two interesting realizations.

First, is that digital computer bits only store data where as quantum computer bits, called qubits, not only store data, but they also process it. And they process their data, in parallel, while entangled with other qubits – no central processing unit required to bottleneck the data flow.

Second, it is hard for someone to be interested in quantum computing without also being interested in quantum mechanics which is the overarching theory that describes the behavior of matter. If you want to know what it's like to physically entangle quantum particles, operate on them, and measure their outcome then you can run your own quantum computer "program" (circuit) for yourself using a real quantum computer.

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