On Twitter, the photo's caption is tweeted out with a link to the full size image. In the case of Facebook, though, just the caption is sent over using Facebook's API and it's posted on your wall as a link. Facebook had documented some hints which you can put into the web page's HTML so it can pick up a specific thumbnail of the image to post on your Facebook wall.
Unfortunately, there is a Facebook bug, that pops up randomly, where the hints for finding the thumbnail image are ignored. This results in the first image on the webpage being posted to your wall. In the case of Epics3, as in most, this will result in the website's logo posted on your wall instead of the photo. Bad, bad, user experience. How could it work for months without a problem until recently?

Facebook's API documentation is notoriously horrible (on the other hand, Amazon Web Services documentation is the textbook case on how APIs should be documented).
After spending several hours tracking down this bug on the Internet, I concluded that no one had solved it. (I also doubt that it was well documented in a way that Facebook, Inc. can reproduce the problem). When searching for the bug I found many cases of users who had encountered the same problem with shrugged shoulders. After all, this is just HTML - there's no logic to debug.
When you use Facebook's sharer.php button to post a link to your wall, Facebook's servers will take a quick look at the link and spider the webpage to find a suitable photo. You can tell Facebook exactly which photo to post next to the link by adding this HTML code to the HEAD of your webpage:
<link rel="image_src" href="http://example.com/thumbnail.jpg"/>
For some reason, this hint has worked intermittently, lately - most notably it has been failing on the weekends.
User Agent Solution
After several hours of no joy I finally gave up trying to get it to work according to Facebook's API. To solve my problem, I placed a conditional surrounding the entire web page's body. When an incoming request's user agent contains the word facebook, I return a webpage with nothing other than the image. [The full Facebook user agent is "facebook share (http://facebook.com/sharer.php)", but just looking for the word facebook should be enough.] When the user agent in the request is anything other than facebook, I simply return the normal Epics3 webpage.
Problem solved (I hope).
Hello, I have the same problem, and tried the same solution, but still it doesn't seem to work for me. Please drop me a line,if you find something useful for this problem.
Cheers :)
Have you tested it with different links? If it doesn't work for a link, Facebook with cache that link and thumbnail so it won't wok for that link for a day or so.
I just discovered the answer!
See, first I tried the mobile version, and that loaded the icon. And *then* the desktop version worked.
Conclusion? Preload the image! (You can do that with plain HTML by making it 1px by 1px, and either stick it at the bottom of the page or use CSS to anally put it out of layout's way.)
Great post!
Anyway, if you want to automatically share scheduled messages on Facebook wall you can use this solution:
Share scheduled messages on Facebook wall you can use this solution:
The Facebook Share Dialog no longer supports custom URL parameters. You have to implement Open Graph tags in order to customize what is shared. I wrote more about this here: http://okaypl.us/blog/facebook-share-dialog-longer-accepts-custom-parameters/
The Facebook Share Dialog no longer supports custom URL parameters. You have to implement Open Graph tags in order to customize what is shared. I wrote more about this here: http://okaypl.us/blog/facebook-share-dialog-longer-accepts-custom-parameters/
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