Thursday, April 24, 2014

Work Life Balance at a Startup

Last April I heard Brad Feld speak at UCSD.

It was a common VC talk. Brad discussed his ideas about growing the San Diego startup community.

Then came the final question from an audience member. It was about maintaining a healthy work-life balance while running a startup. Brad's answer was the most practical relationship advice I've heard.

Nothing is More Important Than Her Call

Whenever Brad's wife calls, he answers. Always. Brad told us that she knows he'll take her call so she doesn't abuse it.

Update: Big thanks to Jerry Jones for pointing out an example of Brad taking a phone call while on the air.

Someone told me they heard Brad take her call during a podcast interview. But that was hearsay. This morning I was having coffee with the Giesen twins who validated that Brad practices what he preaches. The twins watched Brad take his wife's call, on stage, a couple years ago.

Monthly Dinner of Dumping

If something is bothering Brad or his wife then they wait for their monthly dinner. That's when they get to unload anything and everything on each other. The key is to do this every month on the same day. Sometimes this is a simple 20 minute process. Other times the dinner lasts for hours with tears and food servers who won't go near their table until things simmer down.

Life, like work, requires dedicated perseverance.

Author: Joe Moreno


  1. I know this is old. But I thought I'd corroborate the hearsay.

  2. I know this is old. But I thought I'd corroborate the hearsay.


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